Elisabeth Lebovici

Art Historian and Critic (France)

Elisabeth Lebovici (PhD, Paris X) is an art historian and art critic living in Paris. She has been an arts and culture editor for the daily newspaper Libération from 1991 to 2006 and is now a freelance writer with a blog. Since the 1990s, she has been lecturing, teaching and writing extensively on feminism, AIDS activism, queer practices and contemporary art. Elisabeth Lebovici is the editor of L’Intime (Paris, ensb-a, 1998) and co-wrote, with Catherine Gonnard, Femmes/artistes, Artistes/femmes, Paris de 1880 à nos jours, (Paris, Hazan, 2007). She has published in 2017 What AIDS has done to me. Art and activism at the end of the 20th Century (Zurich, JRP Ringier, Lectures Maison Rouge). She has been a lecturer at Sciences-Po, Paris and at EHESS (Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales). Since 2006, with Patricia Falguières and Natasa Petresin-Bachelez, she organizes the weekly seminar “Something You Should Know: artists and producers” at EHESS, Paris. 

Art History / Feminism / AIDS Activism / Queer Practices / Contemporary Art