Legacy Gifts

Support The Camargo Foundation with a Bequest

Make a lasting legacy gift to help ensure the future of Camargo. We are proud of the fact that the French government has recognized Camargo as an extraordinary heritage site, designating it a “Maison des Illustres,” a physical and cultural landmark. Your forever gift will help Camargo safeguard its past and continue its work for generations to come.

Our current fundraising priorities include growing our General Endowment, which will provide long-term stability for our operations and Core Program, and building our Board-Designated Property Fund, which will finance crucial maintenance and renovations to keep the Camargo campus in prime condition. You might want to dedicate your gift to one fund or another, or propose your own fund. Or might you consider endowing a fellowship? Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss the kind of gift and long-term impact you’d like to make.

We value your bequest, no matter what the amount. Your bequest may be in the form of cash, securities, real estate, retirement plan, or life insurance policies. For bequests of artwork, we prefer that you contact us in advance so that we may make proper arrangements. To make a bequest, you must draw up a will and name the Camargo Foundation as beneficiary.

We are happy to guide you through the process of including the Camargo Foundation in your estate plan. Working with you in advance will give us the opportunity to show our gratitude and to include you in our activities now. Please don’t hesitate to contact us to receive more information; inquiries are completely confidential and held to no obligation.

For more information about bequests, please contact us at development@camargofoundation.org