Lara Tabet

Lara Tabet is a medical doctor and transdisciplinary artist working at the intersection of art, environmental and biomedical science and politics. She holds a degree in clinical pathology from the American University of Beirut and studied photography at the International Center of Photography New York. Tabet was an artist in residence at Musée Nicéphore Niépce, La Cité Internationale des arts, the National Center of Biotechnology in Madrid, La Becque, and Tara Océan. She received the Sursock Museum prize and grants from AFAC, Al-Mawred, DRAC and Arte East. In 2022, she was awarded the Prince Claus mentorship award for cultural and artistic response to environmental change.



Looking at the world’s ocean as a chimeric body of water made out of communicating vessels whose biochemical composition is affected by the hydro-political forces of the lands that surround it, Correspondent Species is a body of work that examines endemic and invasive water species and the fluxes that drive them. 

It is a research-based hybrid work that weaves a new cartography around the bio-poetic and questions the present and the past, interspecies cohabitation and the ecological present as a window to the future.