Abdallah Zrika

Wrtier & Poet, Morocco

Born in 1953 in Casablanca. In 1977, he published Dance of the Head and the Rose, which received an immediate acclaim. These first poems widely circulated and triggered Zrika’s arrest in 1978 on a charge of infringement of sacred principles. He spent two years in prison before being judged. Released in 1980, he then published multiple poetry collections. He is one of the most important contemporary Arab poets, and has also written novels and theater texts. As a performer, he collaborates with many artists from across the world (musicians, singers, playwrights and actors, video artists…). Amongst his poetic works translated into French, are: Scales of metaphysics, translated from Arabic by Bernard Noël and the author, L'Escampette, (2000), La Colombe du texte, translated from Arabic by the author (coll. Le Refuge, Cipm, 2003), Insect of Infinity, translated by Bernard Noël and the author (2007, ed. La Différence), Black Candles translated by Abdellatif Laabi, (1998, ed. La Différence).

The Day of Averroes

Averroes arrives at a time when everybody "is sick of Aristotle" from the fquih (religious men) to the caliph. This writing project will depict Averroes in his daily life: it is the love of the people of the street, the love of a beautiful gypsy, the love of what one has never thought before etc., which stimulates him, and also helps him to grasp the figure of this Aristotle who dominates the minds of that epoch as well as the hatred of philosophers. Averroes can be loved today, but tomorrow, who will ensure his life? Religious men incite to kill philosophers. When a caliph asks you a question, you never know if your answer will make you loose your head or actually make sure it stays on your shoulders. To be with Aristotle or against him, nothing is set in stone anymore.