Objectives: residency dedicated to work and research (academic, artistic, transdisciplinary)

: artists, scholars and thinkers (international)

Minimum duration
: 1 to 3 months

: call for applications

Programs of this type: Camargo Fellowship, 3Arts, Jerome, FID Lab, residencies in partnership with the French Institute, Mahmoud Darwich (Bozar, Qattan Foundation, MuCEM,Camargo)

Escales is a program typology that aims to provide thinkers, artists, and researchers with the time and space to engage in individual and/or collective reflections and develop experimental practices. This category encompasses residency programs that allow residents to focus on their research work, whether it is academic or non-academic in nature. The Escales residencies offer an environment conducive to intellectual exploration and creative experimentation, fostering a supportive and stimulating atmosphere for the residents' projects and ideas.

Escales supports transdisciplinary projects and encourages encounters without imposing production obligations on residents.