John Bingham-Hall

Dr. John Bingham-Hall is a researcher, writer, and cultural organiser based in Paris. With training in music (Goldsmiths) and architectural theory (UCL), his current work engages performative frameworks to investigate how climate adaptation strategies are transforming the performance of urban public life.
With Theatrum Mundi he has driven forward new frameworks for city-making, including sonic urbanism, choreographic mobilities, cultural infrastructure, and urban commons. He contributes to the MA Cities course at CSM, London, and the SONCITIES research project at University of Oxford. He has published across the arts and scholarly platforms, and organised queer cultural events (serving drinks whenever needed).

Living in the Green City: commons, wilds, and infrastructures

It is rarely questioned in European urbanism that cities must be made greener, but different approaches to doing so represent divergent visions of urban life. Green infrastructures are deployed from the top down for sustainable growth and mobility; commoning challenges this by asserting collective forms of ownership and production; whilst rewilding decentres the human. This research and book project asks what it means to live together within these new configurations of urban nature, unpacks the social imaginaries driving them, and analyses the conflicts and possibilities of their co-existence.