Pneuma Ensemble

Pneuma Ensemble is a trio specializing in medieval music. Their first adventure in musical storytelling was in 2016, with the 12th century tale of a werewolf hero, Bisclaveret, which premiered at Durham Castle; with more recent work in Middle English, Old French, and Latin. Pneuma performs on reconstructions of period instruments: Gaven Dianda most often on the gittern, citole (with its holly leaf shape), and oud (arabic lute), Eleanor Verrette chiefly on the vielle, a forerunner of the viola. Tricia Postle sings and plays the psaltery, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Music at the University of Cambridge as a Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholar.


Oiez signur! Twelfth century verse narrative in performance

The title refers to the Old French performer’s call to attention. Pneuma will focus on three unusual narratives: the Song of Sainte Foy, written in early Occitan, a dance song celebrating a famous girl saint; the Estorie des Engles by Geoffrey Gaimar, in the Anglo-Norman dialect, and Floire et Blancheflor, possibly one of the most popular works of the 12th century, in Old French. They will stage several short performances, including other works from the period, at various locations at Camargo, hoping to gain insights about best practices for presentation.