Tony Whitfield

Multidisciplinary Artist, US

Tony Whitfield is a multimedia artist, designer and educator whose practice draws upon collaborative relationships to present and interpret urban experience to illuminate social change, particularly in the lives of underrepresented populations, engendering greater understanding of the histories that underpin current cultural phenomena.

Over Deep Water / Garden Under Bluer Skies

During his residency at Camargo, he will be focused on the development of the narrative and textual content of the video and audio- visual components of Over Deep Water, a multimedia theatrical meditation on the experience of caregiving; and Garden Under Bluer Skies, an installation inspired by the palliative potential of herbal naturopathic practices from which HIV/AIDS drug therapies were derived.  These two projects will be presented as part of This Dancerie, a cycle of work that explores a century of gay male queer life in Paris and New York. These works recognize the 25th anniversary in 2021 of the implementation of three drug therapies, transforming AIDS/HIV from a terminal illness to a manageable chronic condition.