Stories' residues

Sociologist & Composer, France/Italy

  • Laura Odasso +

    Laura Odasso is working as a sociologist at the Aix-Marseille University. Her research focuses on bi-national couples: their experiences with the institutions and the environment, their perception of their rights and their resilience against stigmatization. 

  • Eric Maestri +

    Eric Maestri is composer and musicologist. He qualifies his work as existential, in terms of duration of the sound. He creates musical forms that are characterized by transformations and that are inspired by literature and life stories. 

Résidus d’histoires

Résidus d’histoires is an acousmatic piece, where the characters are suggested by their absence. These characters are real persons, the dialogues are in-between sociological investigation and personal and "existential" narratives. The piece is based on the accounts of bi-national families from different Mediterranean countries. This work gave birth to a sound installation, an acousmatic and sociologic opera.

Laura Odasso and Eric Maestri were in residency at the Camargo Foundation from September 4 to 18, in partnership with LabexMed.